This week, I thought I might share some fun facts about the installation, including how much paper it took, how many roses are in the installation and more.
When I was thinking through what I wanted to create for my large-scale paper sculpture exhibit for the Mansion at Strathmore, I felt I had to take a step back and first think about the guests that will view my art.
Because my paper sculpture animals are more fragile than many of the other pieces going into my large-scale installation, I wanted to take them separately.
Today’s story begins near the end of my process. The work in my studio is completed, and my installation is about to leave my studio and make its way to the Mansion at Strathmore.
This is the moment I’ve been waiting for, Sept. 8 2020! Today is opening day of the show “Paper Works: The Art of Paper” at the Mansion at Strathmore in Bethesda, Maryland.
In June, I had the opportunity to sit down with Strathmore exhibition coordinator Gabrielle Tillenburg to give viewers a little insight into my upcoming paper sculpture installation at the Paper Works show at the Mansion at Strathmore
Here’s just a few of the illustrations and paper sculptures where my supermodels were the inspiration. See if you can match the illustration to the cat!